
Interning With Concert Health: Foster Skills and Personal Development

October 4, 2022

Students enter graduate-level programs at various times in their lives. Many students have a myriad of responsibilities including balancing work, school, internships, families and their personal life (Carnevale et al., 2015). Maintaining so many responsibilities over the entirety of a graduate program can lead to issues with burnout that can impact mental and physical health (ILO, 2016). Some students may have to resign themselves to quitting their jobs, spending less time with loved ones or producing poor quality work as a result of overwork and stress. 

With the rise of remote education and job positions, more individuals can work from their own home. Concert Health offers such an opportunity. Social work students can fulfill their course requirements and field placement hours remotely — helping to lessen the burden of managing the different facets of life. 

Remote work offers many benefits to graduate students. The sections below outlines what makes an internship with Concert Health so great.



Working remotely offers flexibility. Not having to commute to an internship can save time and money, allowing students more personal time to engage in rejuvenating activities. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for caretakers as they can fulfill their course obligations while providing care and support.

 Students can log in from any space with internet capability. Interns do not need to be local to an organization or office space, which can foster diverse cohorts hailing from different regions of the country. 

Concert Health offers a variety of opportunities for interns. Interns can choose to work with patients and increase their clinical abilities, take a more macro role and engage in research and policy development or assist with administrative and business duties. These options expose students to the variety of roles social workers can inhabit.



Office spaces can be noisy and full of distractions from fellow coworkers talking and moving about (Oseland & Hodsman, 2018). Working from home may help foster a more focused environment for those who are easily distracted by noise. Of critical note for those with medical conditions, mobility or mental impairments, the option of remote work can increase the quality of one’s work-life balance who may otherwise be unable or find difficulty commuting or working in a traditional office (Schur et al., 2020).

Working remotely allows students to work in an environment where they are comfortable. One’s personal space can provide a sense of ease after a stressful meeting or session with a client (Hartig, 2014). Some students may enjoy variation in their environments. Remote work allows the luxury of moving around in their own space, maybe moving from one’s home office to the living room or kitchen. 



The opportunities that Concert Health provides students will help foster skills applicable to one’s future in the field. Those who work remotely have more independence, which can be an adjustment from traditional work environments. Staying on task can be more difficult when in one’s personal space, as it can often be associated with relaxation and entertainment. 

The allure of personal activities can be distracting but to maintain professionality, students need to learn how to manage urges so they may better concentrate on the work that is expected. The development of time management skills can also help to keep one on track as well as maintain structure for oneself and learn how to prioritize tasks (Heldrich & Bloustein, 2008). 

Communicating with supervisors and fellow interns changes in remote work. Due to the bulk of the correspondence being done through email and direct messaging, students need to develop and maintain professional written communication. Finally, the digital work environment can be a learning curve for some. Learning to navigate the various applications Concert Health uses will elevate digital literacy skills and foster familiarity with different and ubiquitous used applications.



Working remotely with Concert Health can help graduate students learn the critical skills they need to become competent social workers and do so in a way that helps mitigate stress. Although working remotely is not without challenges, the benefits may outweigh the positives for some. Remote work is here to stay and will only increase in popularity. Learning the ins and outs of remote work will help prepare students for future employment, either with Concert Health or other organizations.


Carnevale, A. P., Smith, N., Melton, M., & Price, E. W. (2015). Learning While Earning: The New Normal. In Georgetown University. Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. Retrieved September 9, 2022, from

Hartig, T., Mitchell, R., Vries, S., Frumkin, H. (2014). Nature and Health. Annual Review of Public Health, 35., 207-228.

Heldrich, J.J., & Bloustein, E.J. (2008). New Jersey's Growing Remote Workforce and the Skill Requirements of Employers.

ILO. (2016). Workplace Stress: A Collective Challenge. International Labour Organization.

Oseland, N., & Hodsman, P. (2018). A psychoacoustical approach to resolving office noise distraction. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 20(4), 260–280. 

Schur, L. A., Ameri, M., & Kruse, D. (2020). Telework After COVID: A "Silver Lining" for Workers with Disabilities. Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 30(4), 521–536.